Medicii găsi Singur, Vindecarea inimii!
Medicii găsi Singur, Vindecarea inimii!

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Destiny Informațiile profilului

I have experience with drs. I’m friendly
Vârstă 50 Din Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online - Azi
Femeie În căutare de Bărbat

Informații de bază

Mă descriu ca  
I have experience with drs the naughty way. But I demand the utmost respect. I seek friendship first. I like to discuss intellectual things and you’ll be surprised at what I’m educated in. I’ll be a good addition to your life. I am a lot to handle though. You must be packin and have a high drive. You have to be single and Live alone. Tall (Psst. That’s why I’m attracted to drs.) oh and I forgot, GO FIGURE. I don’t want your money. I want time and attention, other things can be discussed, I am a natural women so if you like all that body work I’m not for you. You must like thick women.

Aspect și situația

Tipul corpului meu este  
Înălțimea mea este  
5' 2 (1.57 m)
Sunt de etnie  